Učite Engleski
Satovi engleskog jezika dostupni su svim stupnjevima znanja kao i svim dobnim skupinama.
od 4 do 104, od potpunog početnika do CPE stupnja, Vi trebate, Mi omogućujemo.

Lexis Language School
For the Effortless Learning Experience
And one of the warmest atmosphere's in town to learn English :-)
Come by for a chat one day!
We are Always Open for Enrollments.

ESOL Exams
(English for Speakers of Other Languages)
Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Examinations are organised by the University of Cambridge, which is among the leading institutions for preparing tests in English as a foreign language, and are globally recognised. Cambridge ESOl offers a series of English tests for different age groups, for different levels of difficulty, and for different purposes.